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Moldovan electoral body: over 80 per cent of official reports processed

23:04 | 01.11.2020 Category: Political

Chisinau, 1 November /MOLDPRES/ - As many as 1,734 (80.9 per cent) of the official reports from those 2,143 polling stations opened at the today’s ballot have been processed so far. Over 35 per cent of the citizens voted for independent candidate Igor Dodon and another 31 per cent opted for the candidate of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), Maia Sandu.    

The preliminary data unveiled by CEC shows that about 17 per cent of the electors voted for the candidate of Our Party, Renato Usatii and another seven percent voted for the candidate of the Shor Party, Violeta Ivanov.   

The candidate of the Dignity and Truth Platform Party, Andrei Nastase, picked up about three per cent of the votes and the candidate of the National Unity Party, Octavian Ticu, - about two per cent of the votes. One per cent of the voters gave their suffrages for Tudor Deliu, put forward by the Liberal Democratic Party and the candidate of the UNIREA (UNION) electoral bloc, Dorin Chirtoaca, each.      

CEC’s data shows that 1,214,378 citizens came to vote till 21:00, which accounts to 42.7 per cent.



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