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All reports from polling stations processed

12:03 | 02.11.2020 Category: Political

Chisinau, 2 November /MOLDPRES/- So far, all 2143 reports from the polls opened in the November 1 election have been processed. PAS candidate Maia Sandu gained 36.16% of votes and another 32.61% opted for independent candidate Igor Dodon.

Preliminary results announced by the Central Electoral Commission show that in two weeks the runoff will take place in Moldova. This is after no electoral contestant managed to get 51% of the votes.

After counting the votes, candidate of the Our Party Renato Usatii ranked third with 16.90%. Candidate of the Shor Party Violeta Ivanov - 6.49%. DA Platform Party candidate Andrei Năstase has got 3.26% of the votes, and candidate of the National Unity Party Octavian Ţîcu - 2.01%. Candidate of the Liberal Democratic Party Tudor Deliu - 1.37% and  candidate of the UNIREA electoral bloc Dorin Chirtoacă - 1.20%.

The 1 November presidential elections were attended by 1,214,718 voters, the rate being 42.76%. Maia Sandu and Igor Dodon competed for the position of head of state in the 2016 elections. Then, in the first round, Igor Dodon picked up over 47 percent of votes and Maia Sandu - about 38 percent.


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